Light propagation in Photonic integrated circuits (PICs), which can nowadays involve complex systems of light-guiding structures, is measured with different approaches(Nuzhdin et al., 2020, Lončar et al., 2002, Hopman et al., 2007, Morichetti et al., 2014, Sapienza et al., 2012, Vesseur et al., 2007). An interferometric polarization-sensitive measurement of the evanescent fields of these structures provides insight in the performance of the circuit detects possible malfunction with sub-wavelength precision(Engelen et al., 2007, Gersen et al., 2005, Barwick et al., 2009). We demonstrate a Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) measurement on coupled ring resonators that shows how the guided modes evolve as they propagate across the optical chip. Analysis of the measurements provides information about intensity distribution of the two polarization components (TE and TM) and their spatial confinement. The data validates our methodology and opens new possibilities for analysis of signal propagation in prototyping and optimization of integrated optical systems. Direct observation of polarization state of the guided modes allows for clear understanding of mode conversion in coupling systems.
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