The high performance of modern integrated circuits is now owing to packaging technologies. 3d-packaging using TSVs (Through Silicon Vias) has attracted large attention. Copper electroplating is used for filling conductor into the vias, because extreme bottom-up is available using a combination of additives. Even though extreme bottom-up is available with single addition of leveler without other additives and theoretical model, such as S-NDR model proposed by Moffat and Josell, can predict the filling behavior, still combination of leveler, suppressor and accelerator is generally used in industry and filling mechanism with the combination is not clear yet. To understand the mechanism of copper filling and the function of each additive, we have proposed microfluidic devices. In our previous study, a TSV-like structure was built in a micro channel as shown in figure 1, and real-time observation of copper bottom-up deposition was demonstrated. Though the observation was successful, observation period was limited to short periods of time, because abnormal deposition occurred at mouse of the TSV-like structure. In this study, we assumed that poor adhesion around the edge of the working electrode on a substrate caused the abnormal deposition, because insufficient adsorption of leveler is expected if the working electrode thin film was floating from the substrate. Then, fabrication process of the working electrode was changed from etching to lift-off patterning technique. Several processes were optimized and abnormal deposition along the edge was successfully suppressed as show in figure 2. Using the lift-off technique, a TSV-like structure was built and electrodeposition was examined. Electrodeposition was started at 30 s after feeding a plating solution containing the leveler. Results are shown in figure 3. No abnormal deposition around the opening of TSV-like structure more than 10 min, and we succeeded in the observation of suppression breakdown inside the via. Further study with various combination of additives will be planned. Figure 1
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