Federal Law No. 85-FZ of 05.04.2021 “On Amendments to the Federal Law ‘On Education in the Russian Federation’” defines the significance of educational activities. The article presents the forms of the modern process of education carried out by the commonwealth of cultural subjects, formerly called cultural and educational, including libraries.Currently, there are used technologies of traditional cultural practices, creative technologies, as well as fragments of mass culture technologies. The technological arsenal of cultural institutions in education is complemented by electronic resources and opportunities provided in the online environment. These issues affect the variety of cultural institutions, but library systems will be in the lead. Communication interaction will not only remain the proven tool of the educational process in libraries, but will also strengthen. The authors supplement this thesis with examples from the activities of libraries in the Krasnoyarsk Region. The kind of catalyst for creative processes in libraries is the activity of employees of municipal libraries in the design and implementation of justification for inclusion in prestigious large-scale modernization projects (National project “Culture” for the creation of model libraries, the Krasnoyarsk Regional network project “Libraries of the Future”).The authors identify the possible risks of intensification of this area of activity, which can be overcome by using both traditional and innovative methods of work.