AbstractBackground. The article under discussion focuses on the analysis of the dictionarydefinitions of adjectival group as a means of verbalization of concept successful woman inUkrainian prose of the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXI centuries. The major features ofconcept successful woman have been distinguished, its model has been recreated with the help ofthe theory of conceptual blending.
 The purpose of the study has been to recreate the peculiarities of the languageobjectivization of linguocultural concept successful woman in Ukrainian prose of the end of the XX– the beginning of the XXI centuries, analyse the facts of usage of the dictionary definitions ofadjective “successful” (“успішний”) and compare them to the real cases of usage, as well asrepresent the language objectivization of the adjectival group successful woman.
 Methods. The methods, belonging to the lexicographic approach to the language facts study,have been applied in the investigation, namely – continuous lexicographic sampling method and themethod of contextological analysis, feeding into the overall paradigm of the investigations,dedicated to the text study as of a complicated communicative unity.
 Results. It has been found out, that from the perspective of the theory of conceptualintegration (blending) in the role of methodological principle, concept successful woman is ablended space (output space or blend), formed from the generic term “успіх” through the agency ofthe input spaces “успішна людина” and “жінка”, containing their conceptual features.An important feature of successfulness is the notion of “positive result” of any activity.Successfulness as a social phenomenon is regarded from two sides – from the speaker’s side – asfor their successfulness and from the public opinion side – concerning someone’s successfulness.There is a substantial difference between the definitions in the language dictionaries and in thepsychology sources: success in psychology is a source, potential resource for further aimachievement, and success in language is a result, final stage of a certain business or activity.
 Discussion. The investigation of the adjectival group of concept successful woman hasdemonstrated the semantic deviation between lexicographic data, obtained by the continuoussampling method and the data from illustrative sources. In particular, the row of the dictionarydefinitions to the notion “успішна” can be extended by the following adjectives from illustrativematerial: талановита, активна, енергійна, динамічна, щедра, щира, сильна, заповзятлива,завзята, хазяйновита, гарна, розкішна, крута, etc. As the analysis has proved, the adjectivalgroup has conceptually changed – some adjectives have gone and the others – added.