Congener specific PCB and toxaphene (polychlorinated camphene, PCC) analyses were performed in seal blubber, collected in Svalbard, Norway. The concentration, body burden and metabolic index (PCB congener concentration in seal relative to their prey) were calculated. Multiple regression analyses were carried out to evaluate the influence of age, sex, blubber (as a percentage of total body weight) and cytochrome P450 activities on PCB and PCC levels. Levels of total PCBs found were five times higher than in ringed seals from the Canadian Arctic, corresponding with the relatively high contaminant levels in the European Arctic. The dominant PCB congeners (>70% of the total PCBs measured) were 153, 138, 99, 180 and 101. The observed PCB and PCC accumulation patterns were very similar to patterns in seals from other studies, suggesting a large resemblance in contaminant metabolism. A decrease in the relative abundance of the lower chlorinated PCBs, was associated with higher concentrations of PCB 153. Since there was no indication for selective PCB excretion by lactating females, this suggests metabolism of these PCBs in ringed seals due to xenobiotic metabolising enzymes. The metabolic index confirmed the model of persistency of the different PCBs except for congener 128 and 138. These congeners, considered persistent in seals, could to some extent be metabolised in ringed seals. However, co-elution of PCB 138 with PCB 163 and of PCB 128 with TOX 50 possibly has resulted in an underestimation of the metabolic index for these congeners. Multiple regression analyses revealed a significant positive effect of age and a negative effect of the blubber content on the PCB concentrations. Since large fluctuations of body lipids occur between seasons in pinnipeds, PCB measurements should account for the total blubber content to avoid biased results. PCBs with vicinal H-atoms in the o, m or the m, p positions showed in addition a relation with cytochrome P450 enzyme activities. Surprisingly, no effect of sex on the PCB concentrations was observed, probably because female ringed seals, unlike other pinnipeds, continue feeding during lactation. This results in only small amounts of lipid and lipid-associated contaminants being mobilised from the blubber. Consequently, contaminant excretion with the milk will be low. Toxaphene concentrations found were low compared to levels found in the Canadian Arctic. Two congeners, TOX 26 and TOX 50 were predominant (15 and 18%, respectively of total toxaphene). There was no effect of sex, age, total blubber, or cytochrome P450 activities on the toxaphene levels. There was also no correlation between toxaphene and PCB levels, which may indicate differences in exposure and metabolism between these contaminants. Toxaphenes did not bioaccumulate to any substantial extent in ringed seals.
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