Background: Efforts to manage AAT can be done in several ways, namely by using active and passive methods. For active management is by adding certain chemicals such as lime or alum so that a reaction occurs to control pH and TSS levels. This is related to the actual problems of the research area due to the pH that does not meet the quality standards for coal mining wastewater. The low pH parameters in the research area are a problem in the mining environment, if the content of mining wastewater that has an acidic pH is not neutralized and then directly discharged into the river body causes environmental pollution such as, disruption of aquatic biota that cannot live with an acidic pH and also has an impact on river water which will later be used by the local community for daily activities. Method: The research methodology is divided into 3 stages, namely: pre-field stage, field stage, and studio or post-field stage. Titration testing on each water sample with quicklime Titration testing to determine the optimum dose using initial measurement data obtained from the field. The dose used starts from 0.1 gr/L to neutral pH according to Environmental Quality Standards. Dosage determination is carried out in the Laboratory owned by PT Antareja Mahada Makmur site Perkasa Inakakerta using a jar test tool. Furthermore, the first data analysis carried out was to analyze rainfall data. From the results of actual flow rate measurements carried out at the inlet of the sedimentation pond and pH measurements in each compartment, the process of determining the amount of efficient quicklime dose for water quality management in the sedimentation pond was carried out. Results: The initial pH test results averaged 3.86. After the titration test, the final pH averaged 7.45. The results of testing several dose ranges obtained for the initial pH of 3.86 were 0.05 gr/L. Why did the researchers only use one initial pH value because it was the average result of daily measurements carried out for 10 days. To change the optimum dose from a laboratory scale to a field scale is to multiply the optimum dose by the hourly discharge entering the settling pond 81W. Conclusion : Several efforts have been made by PT Antareja Mahada Makmur, one of which is stabilization using the lime addition method on coal mining wastewater.
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