The level of job commitment by non-academic staff in universities is a critical factor that influences organizational success. By creating a supportive work environment, offering growth opportunities, promoting work-life balance, and recognizing employee contributions, universities can enhance the job commitment of their non-academic staff and ultimately improve overall performance. By balancing workload, providing support, recognition, and growth opportunities, institutions can cultivate a more committed workforce that contributes positively to the overall success of the university. The level of satisfaction obtained from job responsibilities assigned to nonacademic staffs in universities plays a significant role in determining their commitment levels. Incorporating job responsibilities into the management and leadership practices within universities, universities can foster a work environment where non-academic staff feel fulfilled, engaged, and committed to their roles and the mission of the university. However, this is deficient in most universities, including Kenya, which is contrary to a multifaceted role non-teaching staff play in supporting national development goals in many nations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent to which effectiveness of job responsibility influences commitment of non-academic staffs in University of Eldoret in Kenya. The study was based on expectancy theory of motivation. This study adopted on a quantitative research approach. The study utilized a correlational research design to determine the extent of relationship between job responsibility and commitment of non-academic staff in the research site. A sample size of 137 nonacademic staffs was drawn from target population of 208 using Yamane formula. both Stratified random sampling and simple random samplings were used to select units of analysis. Structured self-administered questionnaires were used for primary data collection. Data analysis utilized descriptive statistics as well as inferential statistics with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. Analyzed data was presented in using suitable tables and figures. The study’s findings revealed a positive significant relationship between job responsibility and commitment of workers (β1=0.802, p=0.000 < 0.05). The study concluded that there is a significant relationship between job responsibility and commitment of non-academic staff in the university of Eldoret.
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