The public transport system is fundamental to sustainable urban mobility, offering cost-effectiveness, scalability, and environmental benefits while addressing equity challenges. This study identifies a research gap in existing tools for General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data analysis, which often lack integration, usability, and flexibility for comprehensive transit planning. In response, GTFSwizard is developed, a R package that facilitates exploration, and manipulation of GTFS feeds. To demonstrate its potential, a case study in Fortaleza, Brazil, evaluates interventions designed to enhance accessibility equity. The interventions, which include bus corridors, optimized boarding, and increased frequency, were tested exclusively using GTFSwizard, which, with simple functions, allowed the analysis and modification of GTFS data as well as the estimation of accessibility. Results showed an 18% reduction in the number of individuals under critical accessibility levels, a reduction in accessibility inequity, and operational efficiency gains, including a 2.7% reduction in required fleet size and a slightly increase of 0.35% in vehicle-kilometer traveled. The ease with which the scenarios are generated highlights the package's ability to perform GTFS analysis and manipulation in a simple and unified manner.
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