I present an up-to-date annotated list of the herpetofauna of Martinique, and try to explain the causes responsible for the eradication of species such as Leptodactylus fallax , Boa sp. and Leiocephalus herminieri . Mabuya mabouya and Liophis cursor have not been seen for decades and may have been extirpated. It cannot be established that the mongoose was responsible; Didelphis marsupialis , of recent introduction, may have played an important role. Introduced and invasive species are numerous in Martinique: Chaunus marinus , Scinax ruber , Eleutherodactylus johnstonei , Gymnophthalmus underwoodi , Iguana iguana , Gekko gecko , Hemidactylus mabouia , without considering escaped pets and the dubious case of Allobates chalcopis as an endemic species. I also present the restoration plan for Iguana delicatissima in the French West Indies and the conservation work for this species in Martinique; increase of nesting areas, translocation, creation of numerous protected areas, and control of I. iguana . Of a total of 13 endemic and indigenous species from Martinique, three are definitely and a further two are probably eradicated. Including Guadeloupe, the French West Indies have the highest loss of herpetological biodiversity among all the islands in the West Indies.