The genus Lens is a member of the Vicieae tribe and comprised four self-pollinating diploid (2n=2x=14) species. Lens culinaris subsp. culinaris Medikus, encompassing two cultivated lentil on the basis of agro-morphological traits, the small seeded (microsperma) and largeseeded (macrosperma) and L. culinaris subsp. orientalis (Boiss.) Ponert, its presumed wild progenitor. The other sub-species and species are L. culinaris subsp. tomentosus (Ladz.), L. culinaris subsp. odomensis Ladz., L. ervoides (Brign.) Grande, L. nigricans (Bieb.) Godr. and L. lamottei Czefr. [1]. Lentil is an important pulse crop of Indian sub-continent, the Middle-East, Southern Europe and Eastern and Northern Africa. A critical appraisal of lentil cultivation and breeding in the past has relied primarily on local landraces of L. culinaris ssp. culinaris. Of late, modern lentil cultivars are derived from only a small number of improved landraces through pure line selection following hybridization between genotypes adapted to specific environmental conditions and seed size. These cultigens have some superiority over traditional varieties in terms of yield potential and disease resistance. Like other pulses, substantial improvement in the yield potential of lentil has not been achieved due to the lack of combination of genes for higher productivity, biotic and abiotic resistance, which are scattered in the cultivated and its wild relatives. Exploitation of wild gene pool for breeding purposes is a common practice in an increasing number of cultivated plants. In many cases, the wild relatives still possess important variation that no longer exists in their cultivated counterparts. Therefore, synthesis of new gene pool following hybridization and introgression from cultivated and wild types would make it possible to recreate some of the lost diversity in respect of productivity and other desirable characters. In this direction, a total of 463 global wild annual Lens taxa were introduced from the Biodiversity and Integrated Gene Management (BIGM) Unit at the International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo, Syria during 2010-11. These were further multiplied in adequate quantity, characterized and evaluated under different agro-ecological conditions for various qualitative and quantitative traits. We found that certain accessions of L. ervoides and L. nigricans does not flower properly during normal winter season and these accessions were planted again in summer himalayan nursery at Sangla in Himachal Pradesh during long days. The study revealed that remarkable variability with respect to genetic and non-genetic factors exists within the species and would be useful to the geneticists and breeders to plan phenotyping of wild Lens genepool. Phenotyping Procedure
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