Aims/Purpose: To asses the usefuleness of the Smart Eye Camera (SEC) slit light device by OUI Inc. in comparing the prevalence of cataract in diabetic and non‐diabetic patients in an outpatient setting in a general hospital in Jordan. The study aims also to delineate risk factors for the development of cataract in diabetic patients.Methods: 207 patients (414 eyes) were examined using the SEC device which captures videos of the anterior segment similar to a slit lamp exam. After completion of data collection, web‐saved videos were reviewed and grades of cataract or each eye were recorded using a modified LOCS III (lens opacity classification system). The assigned observer recorded nuclear, cortical and posterior subcapsular grades for each eye from 0 to 5.Results: Mean age was 55 (range 40‐85). After exclusion of 19 pseudophakic eyes and 3 low quality images, 204 patients (392 eyes, 198 right (OD) and 194 OS (left) eyes) were analyzed. Nuclear cataract was found in 114 eyes (29%), cortical cataract in 104 eyes (27%) and posterior subcapsuar in 77 eyes (20%). Overall, odds ratio for developing cataract in diabetes in this study population was 1.606, with a p‐value of 0.09. Also the relative risk of developing cataract in diabetes was 1.123. A second and third observer independently evaluated the SEC videos and recorded their findings. Interobserver agreement kappa value was fair to moderate especially for nuclear cataract. Posterior subcapsular cataract was difficult to assess with no means of retroillumination on the device. Additionally, we looked into possible assosiations between DM control, comorbidities and medciations used by diabetic patients and the development of cataract, especially hypertension, thyroid disease and hyperlipidemia. All diabetic patients were type 2 with 34.2% having a Hba1c > 7.5Conclusions: The Smart Eye Camera is a small, fast and accurate tool for the diagnosis and grading of cataract in the outpatient setting and would be very helpful on a national scale for cataract screening, especially in the rural areas and in clinical trials. Moreover, cataract tends to be more common in diabetic patients in Jordan probably through multifactorial mechanisms.References Evaluation of Nuclear Cataract with Smartphone‐Attachable Slit‐Lamp Device by Hiroyuki Yazu et al in Diagnostics 2020, 10, 576
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