Routing pipelines, cables and umbilicals in offshore locations represents a key activity with potential impacts for design, installation and operation. Deficient routing may result in (a) increased offshore construction durations (b) requirements for engineered mitigations from geophysical/geotechnical constraints and (c) unforeseen requirements for intervention during operations. Despite this, offshore route selection is restricted to repetitive, inefficient, and iterative processes between draughters, engineers and asset owners. Now, digital technologies enable optimised solutions for cables and pipelines. This paper presents the development and application of a complex routing algorithm using modern software code frameworks. The algorithm serves as an artificial intelligence platform by replicating engineering expertise. This identifies commonly encountered routing constraints such as geophysical features, seabed gradients, existing offshore facilities. Ideal geometric parameters are then determined to minimise route costs. The algorithm structure will be presented in pseudocode, which will define/describe the digital simulation of route selection within the algorithm. This includes sequences such as (a) processing of offshore geotechnical survey data, (b) recreating offshore locales and routes in a data environment, (c) implementation of geospatial intersection detection, (d) 3-dimensional route length optimisation and (e) automated route selection criteria. This replicates the sequence of manual processes undertaken by engineering experts into a digital realm, thus eliminating time-consumption, repetition and human error. Finally, the algorithm will be demonstrated in offshore case studies with challenging conditions such as highly disturbed seabeds and routing obstacles. Thus, engineers in the future developments can better answer the question ‘What is the best route?’.