The article examines the ambivalence of modern civilization as a factor influencing legal socialization. Globalization and localization, individualism and collectivism, and the simultaneous pursuit of progress while striving to preserve traditions create duality and conflict in the socialization conditions experienced by modern individuals. This duality presents both opportunities for personal development and new risks for the formation of legal consciousness. Dynamic changes in cultural, legal, social, and economic contexts compel individuals to make rapid, often unconsidered decisions aimed at survival and adaptation. This fosters the risk of forming distorted perceptions of law, justice, the authority of the law, and its intended purpose. Mass global culture has reshaped the conditions of legal socialization by introducing elements of risk and uncertainty. Multiculturalism, while promoting the development of international law and integrating diverse legal traditions into a global system, generates new societal contradictions, heightens social tensions, and leads to the emergence of so-called «parallel legal worlds.» Secular state policies, combined with increasing cultural and religious diversity, complicate legal socialization by raising the risk of fragmenting legal systems. The mismatch between the traditional values of certain social groups and legal norms often results in non-compliance with the law. It is emphasized that the crisis of democracy is marked by declining trust in political and legal institutions, the rise of authoritarian tendencies, and the weakening of rule-of-law mechanisms. The absence of effective legal protections during times of crisis fosters the spread of legal nihilism, further complicating the search for consensus between the state and its people. To mitigate negative consequences and ease societal tensions, a coordinated and effective international and national legal policy is essential. Joint efforts should focus on integrating diverse cultures on the basis of legal principles, primarily emphasizing equality and the rule of law. In complex political, legal, and multicultural conditions, this approach will safeguard individual rights regardless of origin, social status, religion, or other factors.
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