Modern society is undergoing a structural transformation of the world economy. This is as a result of the transition to a new technological base through the introduction of artificial intelligence, cutting-edge information and communication technology, energy technology, biotechnology and nanotechnology. Artificial intelligence has the ability to significantly change the economy and social relations in society, and its newly discovered capabilities are transformational and global in nature. At the same time, the extraordinary capabilities of artificial intelligence technologies involve risks that can threaten stability and undermine human values. In order to eliminate possible threats and risks and mitigate potential dangers, it is crucial to develop systemic legal measures and ways to regulate AI technologies and models on a national and international scale and to define the legal status of AI, which must include protection of humans from the uncontrolled influence of AI and the inviolability of guarantees of human rights and freedoms. With this in mind, and in order to mitigate potential dangers and ensure the controllability and sustainability of AI technologies based on the concept of trusted (responsible) AI, it is necessary to agree on universal international guidelines for the development and application of AI technologies and models. Furthermore, it is necessary to create a universal code of conduct for AI developers, who together can create a basis for a uniform framework of legal regulation within the national legislation of each country on the principles of human rights protection, privacy and data protection, transparency and explainability, fairness, accountability and safety of artificial intelligence, adequate human oversight and ethical standards for the creation and application of AI models.