In Indonesia, labo u r social security is a right of workers, as exemplified by the provision of job loss insurance . In essence, social security is designed to ensure that workers retain a decent standard of living in the event of job loss. One of the most frequently demanded rights of workers is the right to social security. The Indonesian Social Security Administration Body (BPJS) programme comprises two distinct categories: social security for health and social security for employment . The following ques tion is posed: How is the job loss insurance programme in the tourism sector implemented at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Cabang Bali Gianyar ? Furthermore, what form of legal protection is afforded to workers who lose their jobs in accordance with Indonesian Govern ment Regulation No. 37/2021 on the implementation of the Job Loss Insurance Program? Methodology: empirical research employing a soc iological approach. The findings indicate that the implementation of the job loss guarantee programme at BPJS Ketenagakerjaa n Gianyar is conducted in accordance with the submission of job loss insurance claims from workers who have been laid off. At PT CH B Villa, 26 workers who experienced layoffs were eligible to receive the benefits of job loss insurance , including 24 worker s (92%) who were entitled to receive them and two workers (8%) who were not. In conclusion, the implementation of the job loss insur ance programme at the Villa of PT CHB Gianyar has been effective in providing legal protection and benefits for laid off wo rkers. In the event that an employer violates the rights of a dismissed worker, the employer may be subject to administrative sancti ons in accordance with the provisions of Article 46 of Indonesi an Government Regulation No. 37/ 2021 concerning the implement ation of the job loss insurance . These sanctions may include written warnings to the employer and the cessation of certain public se rvices.
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