In quiet standing, the central nervous system implements a pre-programmed ankle strategy of postural control to maintain upright balance and stability. This strategy comprises a synchronized common neural drive delivered to synergistically grouped muscles. This study evaluated connectivity between EMG signals of the unilateral and bilateral homologous muscle pairs of the lower legs during various standing balance conditions using magnitude-squared coherence (MSC). The leg muscles examined included the right and left tibialis anterior (TA), medial gastrocnemius (MG), and soleus (S). MSC is a frequency domain measure that quantifies the linear phase relation between two signals and was analyzed in the alpha (8-13 Hz), beta (13-30 Hz), and gamma (30-100 Hz) neural frequency bands for feet together and feet tandem, with eyes open and eyes closed conditions. Results showed that connectivity in the beta and lower and upper gamma bands (30-100 Hz) was influenced by standing balance conditions and was indicative of a neural drive originating from the motor cortex. Instability was evaluated by comparing less stable standing conditions with a baseline-eyes open feet together stance. Changes in connectivity in the beta and gamma bands were found to be most significant in the muscle pairs of the back leg during a tandem stance regardless of dominant foot placement. MSC identified the MG:S muscle pair as significant for the right and left leg. The results of this study provided insight into the neural mechanism of postural control.
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