Urbanisation has facilitated changes in the hydrological cycle, sediment dynamics and habitat loss and it has had a tremendous impact on river ecosystems. Moreover, the invasion of non-native species reduces the number of native species with the progress of urbanisation, thereby resulting in the homogenisation of fish fauna and significant decrease in diversity. However, the effects of urbanisation on fish fauna vary depending on the region, degree of urbanisation and number of years since the construction of the city. Hence, it is necessary to collect information on how fish fauna changes due to urbanisation in different regions. The target site of the present study is the Tsurumi River, of which approximately 85% of the basin is urbanised and many of the river channels have been affected by straightening and concrete channelling. Monitoring of biota has been conducted mainly in downstream areas; however, data on fish fauna in upstream areas and tributaries of the river, which have been substantially affected by urbanisation, are lacking. Surveys were conducted at 71 sites in the Tsurumi River Basin during summers and winters, focusing on river channels that have been straightened or converted to concrete channels due to urbanisation. As a result of this investigation, 10 families, 28 species and 9,335 individuals were collected. Some of the fish collected included rare species, such as Tanakialanceolata, Lefuaechigonia and Pseudobagrustokiensis, indicating that, even in rivers that have been severely impacted by human activities, there are still rare indigenous species living there, albeit in limited numbers. In addition, Misgurnus sp. (clade B2), Micropterussalmoides, Lepomismacrochirus and Poeciliareticulata were confirmed to be non-native species. Misgurnus sp. (clade B2) was widespread; however, populations of carnivorous non-native alien species were small. The data are all accessible from the document "database_fish_urban_tsurumi" (https://ipt.pensoft.net/manage/resource?r=database_fish_urban_tsurumi).
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