Let R be a left Artinian ring, and M a faithful left R-module which is minimal, in the sense that no proper submodule or proper homomorphic image of M is faithful. If R is local, and socle(R) is central in R, we show that length(M/J(R)M)+length(socle(M))$\leq$ length(socle(R))+1, strengthening a result of T. Gulliksen. Most of the rest of the paper is devoted to the situation where the Artinian ring R is not necessarily local, and does not necessarily have central socle. In the case where R is a finite-dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field, we get an inequality similar to the above, with the length of socle(R) interpreted as its length as a bimodule, and with the final summand +1 replaced by the Euler characteristic of a bipartite graph determined by the structure of socle(R). More generally, that inequality holds if, rather than assuming k algebraically closed, we assume that R/J(R) is a direct product of full matrix algebras over k, and exclude the case where k has small finite cardinality. Examples show that the restriction on the cardinality of k is needed; we do not know whether versions of our result hold with other hypotheses significantly weakened. The situation for faithful modules with only one minimality property, i.e., having no faithful proper submodules or having no faithful proper homomorphic images, is more straightforward: The length of M/J(R)M in the former case, and of socle(M) in the latter, is $\leq$ length(socle(R)) (again meaning length as a bimodule). The final section, essentially independent of the rest of the note, obtains these bounds, and shows that every faithful module over a left Artinian ring has a faithful submodule with the former minimality condition and a faithful factor module with the latter. The proofs involve some nice general results on decompositions of modules.
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