A novel methodology for analyzing compositional data (CoDa) integrates long short-term memory (LSTM) networks with spatial lag autoregressive (SLAR) models to simultaneously capture temporal and spatial patterns. The proposed approach leverages LSTM’s strengths in handling temporal relationships and SLAR’s ability to capture spatial correlations, employing the centered log-ratio (CLR) transformation to manage CoDa’s characteristics, making it suitable for advanced analysis. The Adam optimizer ensures efficient and stable model training, enhancing convergence speed and precision. The combined approach involves preprocessing CoDa with CLR, initializing LSTM layers, performing forward passes through LSTM, integrating the SLAR model, generating outputs, post-processing data, calculating loss, and performing backpropagation. The methodology’s effectiveness is demonstrated through a case study on pollutant emissions data from a waste incineration plant, focusing on key pollutants such as Dioxins and Furans, Heavy Metals (Hg, Pb, Cd), Nitrogen Oxides (NO), Sulfur Dioxide (SO), Particulate Matter (PM), and Carbon Monoxide (CO). The LSTM network, configured with two hidden layers, dynamically adjusts learning rates for faster convergence. Integrating SLAR improves spatial pattern accounting, significantly enhancing predictive accuracy. Comparative analysis shows substantial performance metric improvements over standard LSTM models, with the LSTM-SLAR model reducing errors and explaining a higher proportion of data variability. In process safety and risk engineering, the proposed methodology enhances pollutant emission monitoring and control, enables proactive risk management, ensures regulatory compliance, and improves risk assessment accuracy, making it invaluable for dynamic risk assessment in environmental monitoring and is broadly applicable to fields requiring detailed temporal and spatial analysis, demonstrating robustness and versatility in handling complex CoDa.