Learning a new motor skill can induce neuronal plasticity in rats. Within motor cortex, learning-induced plasticity includes dendritic reorganization, synaptogenesis, and changes in synapse morphology. Behavioral studies have demonstrated that learning requires protein synthesis. It is likely that some of the proteins synthesized during learning are involved in, or the result of, learning-induced structural plasticity. We predicted the expression of proteins involved in neural plasticity would be altered in a learning dependent fashion. Long–Evans rats were trained on a series of motor tasks that varied in complexity, so that the effects of activity could be teased apart from the effects of learning. The motor cortices were examined for MAP2 and synaptophysin protein using Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Western blotting revealed that expression of MAP2 was not detectably influenced by learning, whereas synaptophysin expression increased on day 1, 3, and 5 of complex motor skill learning. Expression of MAP2 does not seem to indicate difficulty of task or duration of training time, whereas increases in synaptophysin expression, which appear diffusely across the cortex, seem to be correlated with the first 5 days of motor skill learning. Similar findings with GAP-43 suggest the change in synaptophysin may coincide with synapse formation. Immunohistochemistry did not reveal any localized changes in protein expression. These data indicate a difference in learning-induced expression in the mammalian brain compared to reports in the literature, which have often focused on stimulation to induce alterations in protein expression.
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