School libraries play a crucial role in the educational ecosystem, offering a variety of resources and services that contribute significantly to students’ academic success, personal development, and lifelong learning.The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in school libraries brings about several benefits and opportunities, enhancing the overall learning experience for students and streamlining library operations.Libraries are dynamic institutions, and their tools need to evolve to keep pace with technological advancements and changing user expectations. Regular assessments, feedback from users, and collaboration with the broader library community can help identify areas for improvement and guide the development of more effective library science tools.While libraries can function without incorporating AI, certain challenges and limitations may arise in the absence of AI technologies. In this paper, we focus on AI research in the field of library science is essential for leveraging technology to its fullest potential, improving efficiency, enhancing user experiences, and ensuring that libraries remain dynamic and relevant in the digital age. It allows libraries to adapt to changing user needs and technological advancements, ultimately contributing to the overall effectiveness and impact of library services.