Papaya ring spot virus (PRSV) disease has been the major impediment in papaya cultivation. The disease is transmitted through three aphid vectors and field tolerance towards this disease varies among Carica papaya cultivars as well as within the Vasconcellea genus. Leaf morphological traits are known to have influence on the probing preferences of aphids. Hence, this study was conducted to know whether the leaf parameters could contribute to the incidence of PRSV possibly by influencing the probing or feeding behaviour of aphid vectors. Leaf parameters viz., leaf thickness, leaf epicuticular wax content, presence and type of trichomes, trichome density were correlated with disease incidence at field conditions. The result revealed that leaf thickness along with epicuticular wax content had significant negative correlation with disease incidence. Similarly, trichome density had negative impact on disease incidence at 99.92% significance level. High epicuticular wax content and high trichome density in V. cauliflora and V. cundinamarcensis were found to be negatively associated with low to very low infection indicating that these parameters may have limited the vector transmission significantly.
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