The Monte Carlo program {\tt WWGENPV}, designed for computing distributions and generating events for four-fermion production in $e^+ e^- $ collisions, is described. The new version, 2.0, includes the full set of the electroweak (EW) tree-level matrix elements for double- and single-$W$ production, initial- and final-state photonic radiation including $p_T / p_L$ effects in the Structure Function formalism, all the relevant non-QED corrections (Coulomb correction, naive QCD, leading EW corrections). An hadronisation interface to {\tt JETSET} is also provided. The program can be used in a three-fold way: as a Monte Carlo integrator for weighted events, providing predictions for several observables relevant for $W$ physics; as an adaptive integrator, giving predictions for cross sections, energy and invariant mass losses with high numerical precision; as an event generator for unweighted events, both at partonic and hadronic level. In all the branches, the code can provide accurate and fast results.
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