In high-voltage DC power supplies (hundreds of kilovolts), avoiding the inductance in the output filter is an important asset. Thus, a capacitor as a unique component of that filter is preferable. On the other hand, a high-voltage step-up transformer shows a high capacitance in its secondary, which can be included in a resonant stage. Both capacitances, i.e., one from the filter and the other from the transformer, are separated by the output rectifier. When this rectifier is on, they are in parallel; when it is off, they are disconnected. A resonant stage where a very large capacitor appears and disappears several times in one period is not linear and has not been dynamically modeled before. This paper shows two simple models for the parallel-series (LCC-type parallel resonant converter) resonant topology with a capacitor as output filter. Its dynamics and steady state are studied and constitute an important help for any designer.
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