Radio Frequency Fingerprint (RFF) plays a pivotal role in specific emitter identification (SEI) and enhancing the physical layer security of wireless networks. However, past research on RFF extraction has encountered significant challenges, including algorithm instability in the presence of multi-path channels, disparities between actual RFF and proposed models, and the need to compensate for receiver RFF. In this study, we introduce an innovative algorithm designed to simultaneously estimate the transmitter's RFF and the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) channel state in the presence of receivers’ antenna effect. Moreover, we introduce the transmitter antenna feeding current as a modified RFF, accounting for transimtter components such as power amplifier (PA) nonlinearity, in-phase quadrature (IQ) modulator imbalance. Our approach commences with an exploration of wave propagation theory fundamentals, followed by a transformation of the inverse scattering equations into linear equations for joint channel and RFF estimation. Due to the non-convex nature of the derived equation, we employ the sparse lift method to render the problem convex. Leveraging the sparsity of channel coefficients, we devise a compressive sensing linear solution, denoted as the sparse-based approach for joint (SBJ) RFF and channel estimator. Additionally, we propose a calibration method to mitigate the effect of the receiver antennas on the estimated RFF of the transmitter. Through simulation, we demonstrate a 10 dB enhancement in RFF estimation accuracy compared to existing methods. Furthermore, our results indicate that the SBJ algorithm remains robust when faced with the combined effect of transmitter components, whereas previous models exhibit diminished precision as additional component effects are considered.
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