We extend Lawrence's representations of the braid groups to relative homology modules, and we show that they are free modules over a Laurent polynomials ring. We define homological operators and we show that they actually provide a representation for an integral version for $U_q \mathfrak{sl}(2)$. We suggest an isomorphism between a given basis of homological modules and the standard basis of tensor products of Verma modules, and we show it to preserve the integral ring of coefficients, the action of $U_q \mathfrak{sl}(2)$, the braid group representations and their grading. This recovers an integral version for Kohno's theorem relating absolute Lawrence representations with quantum braid representation on highest weight vectors. It is an extension of the latter theorem as we get rid of generic conditions on parameters, and as we recover the entire product of Verma-modules as a braid group and a $U_q \mathfrak{sl}(2)$-module.