In this note we announce the answers to several questions which involve nonselfadjoint operator algebras. Detailed proofs will appear elsewhere. We use the following notation. M is a separable Hilbert space, B(#) is the algebra of bounded linear operators on )/, and Bi(H) is the ideal of trace class operators on M. For T € 0(#), {T}' is the commutant of T and {T} is the double commutant of T. B(M) is the dual of Bi(#) (see [2]) so that B{M) has a weak * topology. A(T) denotes the smallest weak * closed algebra containing T and 7, while IV (T) is the smallest weak operator closed algebra containing T and I. LatT is the lattice of (closed) invariant subspaces of T, and AlgLatT = {B £ B{X): LatT C La t£} . It is elementary that A{T) C IV {T) C {T} C {T}', that IV (T) C AlgLatT, and that all of these sets except A(T) are weakly closed algebras. Further, T is said to be reflexive if IV (T) = Alg Lat T. We will consider the following questions. QUESTION 1. Does 1V{T) = {T}' n AlgLatT, VT e B{U)t QUESTION 2. Does 1V{T) = {T} n AlgLatT, VT 1? (Here T denotes the direct sum of n copies of T.) QUESTION 4. If Ti and T2 are reflexive operators, must Ti0T2 be reflexive? QUESTION 5. Does A{T) = W(T), VT e B(#)? QUESTION 6. Does IV(T) have a separating vector, VT c S(>/)? Before stating the last question, we need some additional notation. Since TV(T) is weak * closed in B(#), 1V(T) is a dual space, with predual Tj/(T)* = B I ( ^ ) / W ( T ) _ L . Here W(T)j. denotes the preannihilator of U/(T). For each n, let jPn C Bi(#) denote the set of operators of rank < n. QUESTION 7. Is Fi/U/(T)i. dense in W(T)*, VT C B(#)? Some remarks regarding these questions are in order. There are some relations among the questions. For n = 1,2, or 6, an affirmative answer to Question n implies an affirmative answer to Question n + 1. Question 1 was raised independently by D. Sarason and P. Rosenthal (see [6, p. 195] and [7]). Rosenthal also asked Question 2 in [7]. In [4], J. Deddens listed several open questions, including Questions 3 and 4, concerning reflexive operators. Question 5 has been raised by many people. The question appears in [2]. In [8], D. Westwood gave an example of an operator T so that A(T) = IV (T) but so that the weak and weak * topologies are different on A(T).
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