ABSTRACT Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model for Rushton Turbine (RT) stirred tanks has been developed. The CFD model has been validated with experimental (RPT) data. The RPT data were calibrated with Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) data from literature. The calibration of RPT setup was done in two conditions: (a) stationary rotor and (b) rotor rotating at 200 rpm. The radiation intensity data recorded from measurement was analysed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test and found that intensity counts have statistically equal mean. Also, the percentage error between mean counts is less than 1.72. So calibration step in RPT setup can be done in rotor stationary condition which is useful for estimating fluid dynamical conditions inside the impeller region, which is not possible with any other instruments like PIV, LDA etc. Further, RPT experiments and CFD simulations were conducted and results were in good agreement with LDA data from literature. The classical flow pattern of a jet-like stream coming from impeller tip was observed from RPT and well predicted by the CFD model. CFD model predicted the mean velocities and the turbulent quantities in reasonably good manner in comparison with literature data.
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