The concept of a least-cost path is generalized. The simplest of all traffic assignment models assumes that all trip makers from a single origin-destination (O-D) pair take a single path, for example, the minimum cost path or the equilibrium path. However, in many applications, it is observed that trips from a single O-D do not all take the same path. It is not difficult to imagine commuters from a large residential area using different routes to travel to a common workplace simply because each has a different disutility function. In reality no two routes have exactly the same cost; however, when modeled deterministically as network graphs, these graphs invariably have O-Ds with degenerate (multiple) shortest paths. The ability to measure the best route should also be seriously questioned. Given the level of uncertainty that exists in any link attribute, the variance of the accumulated uncertainty of that attribute over any given route can easily be such as to make many routes statistically indistinguis...
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