An abelian group may be defined by the property that, in an automorphism of the group, more than three fourths its operators may be placed in a one to one correspondence with their inverses.t It may be of interest to know the groups possessing the property that five eighths or more of the operators may be inade to correspond to their inverses. The principal object of this paper, however, is to establish the following elementary theorem (I) and to illustrate the use that may be made of it in certain problems. THEOREM I. A group that has two invariant subgroulps with nothing in common, but the identity can be set up as a nlzutiple isornorphisn?, between two groups of lower order. Let a group ( G ) of order k, k x have the two invariant subgroups K1 and K, of order k1 and k2 respectively. If K, and K2 have only the identity in comiimon, every operator of K, is commutative with every operator of K2. It may be assumed that G is not merely the direct product of K, ancl K2. Let 1, r2 r31 ** , be the operators of K-1 and 1 s2, s, ..*, those of K2. Now
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