The decomposition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) released from freshwater vascular macrophytes was investigated over a 180-day period under controlled conditions of temperature and oxygen (10 and 25°C; anaerobic and aerobic). Plant species studied were the emergent bulrush Scirpus acutus Bigelow, the floating-leaved water lily Nuphar variegatum Engelm., two submerged plants, Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michx., Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. & Schmidt, and the submersed bulrush, Scirpus subterminalis Torrey. The concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) released by autolysis and by bacterial metabolism were analyzed in total and fractionated into four molecular weight categories (< 30 000, < 10 000, < 1000, and < 500 Daltons). Ultraviolet absorptive and fluorescence characteristics of each fraction were also analyzed. Decomposition of DOM was most rapid under aerated conditions at either temperature and resulted in declining or consistently low concentrations of DOC in all molecular weight fractions. Fluorescence and UV absorbance of low molecular weight fractions were rapidly reduced to low values, indicative of rapid removal of small compounds with unsaturated bonds or ring structures by bacterial degradation, complexing, or absorption to particulate phases. While the amount of high molecular weight DOC decreased, spectral properties indicated an increasing dominance of complex humic-type compounds. Under aerobic conditions, small and large molecular weight fractions showed consistent losses in total organic carbon at both temperatures. The presence of oxygen was more effective in control of rates of conversion of DOM than was temperature over the range examined in these experiments. A temperature effect was observed, however. At the lower temperature, when anaerobic, DOM was only slowly metabolized, and even low molecular weight fractions accumulated carbon. At the higher temperature, DOM was eventually decomposed even under anaerobic conditions. Decomposition of DOM in aerated cultures proceeded slightly faster at 25 than at 10°C.