designs, a NAD can plot the field ratio that is determined by the interference effect in the multilayer. 5 A design method that is based on NAD is utilized to design a multilayered system for the propagation of an LRSPP wave with a predetermined angle of incidence θi (tangential componentofwavevector)inaprism-couplingconfiguration.WhentheLRSPPwaveisexcited, the locus of the metal film in NAD is characterized as a projected locus that traverses a huge distance to the terminal point and intersects the real axis far from the origin, as shown in Fig. 1. The projected locus is caused by a multilayer under the metal film that can provide a large imaginary part of normalized admittance η LRSPP(s) as the start of the locus. The analysis of LRSPP in a NAD supports the design of a new configuration for exciting either s -o rppolarized LRSPP waves. Furthermore, a configuration for exciting s- and p-polarized LRSPP waves simultaneously can be realized using multilayers on both sides of the metal film. 6 In the traditional Kretschmann prism/metal film/air configuration, the p-polarized light can be applied to excite the SPP wave with lower initial admittance η SPP ip compared with η LRSPP ip and the associated locus of the metal film is plotted in Fig. 1. However, the s-polarized light cannot excite the SPP wave because the s-polarized admittance of air η SPP is always negative imaginary when total reflection occurs. The locus of a metal film would never let the locus point go toward the characteristic admittance of a prism to reach a coupling effect. However, the restriction on an s-polarized LRSPP wave can be overcome using a symmetrical cell that is equivalent to a single layer with designed characteristic admittance and phase thickness. The initial admittance can be provided using a periodic multilayer composed of several symmetric cells of the ABA or ABCBA type with designable equivalent characteristic admittance. 5 The initial admittances for s- and p-polarization are functions of the angle of incidence θi, the refractive index, and the thickness of each layer in the unit cell. To excite an LRSPP wave on a metal film at a designated angle of incidence θi, both positive imaginary admittances with values larger than the absolute imaginary part of characteristic admittance of metal can be designed by tuning parameters in