The Albian- Cenomanian deposits of the Kazhdumi Formation at Zagros Basin (Firuzabad section and Central Iran (Fasakhod section), represents a carbonate sedimentary succession and contain rich and diverse invertebrate macro fauna. Detailed studies on about 200 specimens of invertebrate macro fauna revealed from two stratigraphic intervals led to recognition of 5 species of gastropods; (Liopeplum? sp., Columbellina sp., Cryptaulax? sp., Turritella? sp., Pleurotomaria sp.), 3 species of ammonites; (Knemiceras duberterti, Sphenodiscus sp., Knemiceras persicum), 10 species of bivalves assemblages; (Ceratostreon flabellatum, Cardium? sp., Exogyra (Costagyra) olisiponensis, Neithea (Neithea) quinquecostata, Trigonia sp., Buchia? sp., Cardium? sp., Pseudogyra sp., Ontaria? sp., Nucula? sp., Pleuromia? sp., 1 species of echinoids; Dorocidaris taouzensis with a prolific horizon of Notopocorystes xizangensis of raninoid crabs. The absence of large gastropods and bivalves fauna and abundance of suspension-feeders indicated instability of the substrate, shallow marine paleoenvironment.and a medium energy condition.
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