With the increasing popularity of the internet, it brings convenience to lives while also increases security risks. Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) can generate random, unclonable, and unique identifiers using their inherent physical characteristics, which have broad prospects in anti-counterfeiting. Herein, inspired by the irregular tree bark fissures and random skin wrinkles found in nature, a method for creating complex micro-wrinkles with unclonable random patterns is proposed by simply stretching hydrogels. The random texture information contained in the micro-wrinkles is digitized into binary codes using an adaptive threshold algorithm. Additionally, a novel "sandwich" label with a multilevel intelligent anti-counterfeiting system is proposed. The first-level involves photoluminescence encryption with adjustable luminescence within visible light range and modulated luminescence at different excitation wavelengths; the second-level includes strain-related mechanical encryption, and the third-level consists of highly random and unclonable micro-wrinkles. The certification difficulty increases as the anti-counterfeiting grade increases, thereby enhancing label security. Furthermore, space-selective doping of rare earth metal-organic framework (RE-MOF) fluorescent materials in hydrogels is achieved through the use of screen-printing technology. The concept of novel multilevel smart anti-counterfeiting PUF labels will further enhance current levels of counterfeiting prevention.