The flora in the Republic of Croatia is rich with p lant species due to its climate conditions and geographical location. Edible fruit species contain ing a great amount of various vitamins, antioxidanc e and minerals are of a significant importance in creatin g biodiversity of species. Escpecially important ar e representatives of wild edible berries. In order to preserve the biodiversity it is necessa ry to protect the interesting plant material (in si tu) and to generate a collection (ex situ) ‐ gene bank to be used in breeding programmes. The adaptability to edaphic and climatic conditions is an advantage of this mat erial in breeding programme. Researches were carried out in July a nd September 2007 in the area of Nature Park Medvednica, with an aim to determine the presence of Rubus sp, their determination and their disposition in t he Nature Park Medvednica. This research has determined seven types of Rubus sp. and their location in Nature Park Medvednica is presented on corresponding map. The species Rubus discolor L. was found the most prevalent. For this reason the chemical and pomological analysis of Rubus discolor fruits were carried out. Chemical analysis included measurment of total soluble solid (TSS) and total a cidity (TA). Monitoring of pomological traits in th is experiment covered fruit weight, height and width, and number of druplets.
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