Multi-word expressions make up a large proportion of the English language and particularly spoken language. Using multi-word expressions can assist with the impression of fluency, making them useful for language learners to know and use. However, proven methods for teaching this language phenomenon are required, so that learners can easily use multi-word expressions in their conversations. The purpose of the study was to examine the efficacy of a fluency workshop focused on multi-word expression use in conversation and to determine the most appropriate implementation for the Japanese context. An action research structure was used over three iterations of the fluency workshop, learner feedback and teacher observations were used to make improvements. Learner feedback regarding the usefulness of each activity for learning English was compared between the original cohort and subsequent cohorts. The results showed significant differences in levels of perceived usefulness for activities where improvements were made, but also for some activities where no specific improvement was made, suggesting that teaching improves through practice. Pedagogical implications include maximising the time on task via clear instructions, providing visual time constraints, and offering scaffolding to support the use of multi-word expressions when recall seems beyond a learner.