The Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) SPS-2 experiment was designed to study the structural factors, such as drainage, base type, concrete strength, thickness, and lane width for rigid pavements. The SPS-2 experiment section in Kansas, constructed in 1992, is a jointed, dowelled plain concrete pavement. The experiment consisted of twelve standard SPS-2 sections and one Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) supplemental/control section. These sections have been monitored by the LTPP program since construction. Performance monitoring included measurements for ride quality (International Roughness Index, IRI), faulting, cracking, and surface deflections. Performance parameters analyzed in this study included IRI, faulting, cracking (combined longitudinal and transverse crack lengths), and joint load transfer efficiency (LTE). The results show that the project has performed very well to date. Most sections are smooth, crack free, and have negligible faulting. The load transfer efficiency of the sections has been good too. The drainable sections with permeable asphalt treated base have performed the best. These sections were built smoother and remained so after 15 years of service. The section with low PCC slab thickness (203-mm) and low concrete design strength (3.8-MPa) on dense graded aggregate base has performed the worst. The combination of high slab thickness and high concrete strength tends to mask the effect of base on pavement performance. The KDOT supplemental/control section with thick slab (305-mm) over dense graded, Portland cementtreated base has also performed very well. Statistical analysis of IRI and LTE data also supports these conclusions.
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