随着民航业的快速发展,机场道面的使用频率也越来越高,导致机场道面的破损率也大大增加,使得机场的维修次数也越发频繁。如何在保障机场道面正常维修前提下,又不会影响飞机的正常起降,非开挖注浆技术提供了一种解决思路。通过分析机场道面病害的特点及成因,结合非开挖注浆技术在机场道面维修中的机理分析,探讨了非开挖注浆技术处治机场道面病害的技术优势。根据非开挖注浆技术工程实例应用,利用重锤式弯沉仪(HWD)和探地雷达(GPR)对注浆前后机场道面段弯沉值和路面承载能力进行检测,用于分析和评价注浆效果。结果表面,非开挖注浆技术能够快速、高效的解决边起降边施工状态下机场道面唧泥、板底脱空、沉陷、错台等病害,对机场道面病害的快速处治有良好的效果。With the rapid development of the civil aviation industry, the frequency of airport runway use has significantly increased, leading to higher rates of runway damage and more frequent maintenance. Ensuring proper maintenance of airport runways without disrupting aircraft takeoffs and landings is a critical challenge. Non-excavation grouting technology offers a viable solution. By analyzing the characteristics and causes of airport pavement issues, this paper explores the technical advantages of non-excavation grouting technology in addressing these problems, based on its mechanism in airport pavement maintenance.Through engineering applications, heavy hammer deflectometer (HWD) and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) were used to measure the deflection values and pavement bearing capacity before and after grouting. This analysis evaluates the effectiveness of the grouting process. Results show that non-excavation grouting technology can effectively and efficiently address issues such as mud pumping, slab bottom detachment, subsidence, and misalignment of airport pavement during takeoff, landing, and construction. It proves to be highly effective in the rapid repair of airport pavement diseases.
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