Gas-flow patterns within a cylindrical glass tube having the same dimensions as a typical graphite furnace atomizer were investigated by introducing two streams of argon gas seeded with a light-scattering medium of TiO2 particles into the open ends of the tube and viewing the scattering profiles of the particles. By placing a sample of iodine solution near the centre or ends of the cylindrical glass tube, further insight into gas-flow patterns is gained by examining the spatial distributions of the iodine vapour under the influence of convective flow. The TiO2 particle and iodine spatial profiles suggest that at room temperature the argon streams follow a laminar-flow pattern in the bulk-flow region between the ends of the cylindrical tube and the sample introduction hole; however, at the junction region where the two argon streams converge and discharge from the dosing hole, local turbulences or eddies may be generated owing to abrupt changes in gas-flow velocity and direction in the vicinity of an area (boundary layer) directly beneath the dosing hole.