We describe the isolation and partial genetic characterization of 247 amber (suppressor-sensitive) mutants of temperate bacteriophage phi 80 of Escherichia coli. Of these 247 mutants, the mutations of 201 mapped to the left arm of the phi 809 chromosome and the mutations of 39 mapped to the right arm of the genome. Complementation tests among these and previously described left arm mutants defined five additional genes in the left arm of the chromosome. The positions of these genes are consistent with the hypothesis that four of them represent functions essential for phi 80 tail assembly and one represents a capsid assembly function, probably the major coat protein. The identification of these genes brings the phi 80 genome into closer correspondence with the organization of the phage lambda genome. Two- and three-factor crosses performed between mutants with defects in each of the previously identified genes and mutants with defects in the five new genes allowed us to construct a consistent, roughly additive recombination map of the left arm of the bacteriophage phi 80 genome.
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