The Late Oligocene was characterized by pronouncedclimatic changes, which were accompanied by changes incontinental ecosystems. Due to excellent age control bybiostratigraphical dating (MP 28; Storch et al. 1996) as wellas the absolute dating of basalts on the base and top of thesedimentary sequence (24.79–24.56 Ma; Mertz et al. 2007),Enspel (Westerwald, W-Germany) is an important point ofreference for studies on the development of continentalclimates and ecosystems in the Late Oligocene of CentralEurope.Excavations at this important locality have been con-ducted during the last 20 years under the authority of theGeneraldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz (formerlythe Landesdenkmalamt Rheinland-Pfalz). During thisperiod, nearly 20,000 macrofossils, representing a richflora and fauna, have been collected. Many fossils fromthis Lagerstatte show an outstanding and even extraordi-nary preservation in terms of detailed morphological andanatomical structures (e.g., Storch et al.1996;Wedmann2000), partly due to the preservation of fine structures bybiofilms (e.g. Toporski et al. 2002), and complex bio-molecules, such as chitin (e.g. Gupta et al.2007).This special issue presents an overview of currentgeological and palaeontological knowledge on Enspel,together with new data covering several aspects of recentstudies dealing with this important Fossil-Lagerstatte.Poschmann et al. summarize the body of knowledgeavailable on the Fossillagerstatte Enspel, reaching back intime for almost two decades, when the GeneraldirektionKulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz initiated annual fieldcampaigns with the aim of investigating the geologicaland palaeobiological aspects of this upper Oligocene craterlake. This contribution briefly summarizes the current stateof our knowledge on this site, provides a taxonomic listingof the fossil association, and includes a bibliography.Schindler and Wuttke summarize the geological andlimnological investigations carried out to date. They focuson the genesis of Lake Enspel within a volcanic diatrem orcaldera. The findings from five scientific drillings, twodozen drillings carried out by the basalt industry, andadditional drillings exploring the use of geothermic energyhave enabled a refining of both the geological mapping ofthe Enspel formation and the overlying basalt as well as amore detailed cross section through the lake hollow form.These authors describe the development of the sedimentsand the limnological conditions through time.Herrmann presents the results of an analysis oflacustrine organic-walled algae from the research coreEnspel 1996/1. Two organic-walled primary producers havebeen recognized (Botryococcus and the freshwater dinofla-
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