Recurring polarimetric radar signatures in supercells include deep and persistent differential reflectivity (ZDR) columns, hail inferred in low-level scans, and the ZDR arc signature. Prior investigations of supercell polarimetric signatures reveal positive correlations between the ZDR column depth and cross-sectional area and quantitative characteristics of the radar reflectivity field. This study expands upon prior work by examining temporal associations between supercell polarimetric radar signatures, incorporating a dataset of relatively discrete, right-moving supercells from the continental United States observed by the Weather Surveillance Radar 1988-Doppler (WSR-88D) network. Cross-correlation coefficients were calculated between the ZDR column area and depth and the base-scan hail area, ZDR arc area, and mean ZDR arc value. These correlation values were computed with a positive and negative lag time of up to 45 min. Results of the lag correlation analysis are consistent with prior observations indicative of storm cycling, including temporal associations between ZDR columns and inferred hail signatures/ZDR arcs in both tornadic and nontornadic supercells, but were most pronounced in tornadic storms.
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