With the rapidly increasing use of radioisotopes in research, therapy, and radiation protection studies, the problem of accurately determining the distribution of the energy imparted to chemical systems and to biological materials has greatly increased in importance. In the presence of beta radiation, the problem is simple only at points in a medium where the concentration is uniform over distances equal to or greater than the range of the emitted particles. Unfortunately this situation is of rare occurrence. In the more usual case, the problem requires: (a) evaluation of the dose as a function of the distance from a point source and (b) integration at a given point of the energy contributed by beta particles originating within the range of the particles. Since knowledge of (a) is required in order to proceed with (b), the investigations reported here were undertaken using air as a homogeneous medium. This choice allowed the use of large-dimensioned apparatus, with its relative ease of construction, and permits direct application to denser media of similar atomic numbers, such as tissues. Since the objective of these measurements was an accurate determination of the ionization distribution, the principal efforts were directed toward the demonstration that the observed ionization currents were due exclusively to the emitted particles in their undisturbed journey through the air and that all the effects due to solid scatterers or absorbers were properly accounted for. Owing to the special construction of one of our chambers, it was also necessary to prove that all the ions formed in the detecting volume were collected. Because of limitations of space, the many experiments performed will only be outlined here. The first step was to select a large room in which to make the measurements (Fig. 1). The source, S, was moved along the indicated diagonal of the room on which the ionization chamber, I. C., was placed. L represents the locus of points beyond which a p32 beta particle of maximum energy, elastically scattered, once in its path, could not possibly reach the center of the chamber. Thus it is beyond question that the size of the room was adequate. The possible effects of the earth's magnetic field (indicated by H in the figure) were eliminated by theoretical considerations and by experimental study. The source was supported by means of a large L-shaped frame dimensioned so that it subtended a solid angie at the source of less than 1.0 per cent, reducing scattering effects to negligible proportions. The source was suspended by means of thin (10 mil) wires and prevented from swinging by similar wires. It was mounted on a thin aluminum washer (Fig. 2) of 6 inches outside diameter and 2 inches inside diameter.