ABSTRACT Each year, millions of people die from the airborne infectious illness tuberculosis (TB). Several drug-susceptible (DS) and drug-resistant (DR) forms of the causative agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), are currently common in the majority of affluent and developing nations, particularly in Bangladesh, and completely drug-resistant strains are beginning to arise. The main purpose of this research is to develop and examine a non-integer-order mathematical model for the dynamics of tuberculosis transmission using the fractal fractional operator. By demonstrating characteristics such as the boundedness of solutions, positivity, and reliance of the solution on the original data, the biological well-posedness of the mathematical model formulation was investigated for TB cases from 2002 to 2017 in KPK Pakistan. Ulam-Hyres stability is also used to assess both local and global aspects of TB bacterial infection. Sensitivity analysis of the TB model with therapy was also examined. The advanced numerical technique is used to find the solution of the fractional-order system to check the impact of fractional parameters. Simulation highlights that all classes have converging qualities and retain established positions with time, which shows the actual behavior of bacterial infection with TB.