Previous articleNext article No AccessFocus on Federal-State Relations in Educational FinanceCenter-State Relations in Financing Education in IndiaJandhyala B. G. TilakJandhyala B. G. Tilak Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Comparative Education Review Volume 33, Number 4Nov., 1989 Sponsored by the Comparative and International Education Society Article DOI Views: 14Total views on this site Citations: 16Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1989 The Comparative and International Education SocietyPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Jandhyala B. G. Tilak Economics of Human Capital in India, (Sep 2018): 3–32. B. G. Tilak State, Households and Markets in Education: Government’s Unwillingness and Households’ Compulsion to Pay for Education vis-à-vis the Exploitative Markets, (Sep 2018): 357–387. B. G. Tilak Political Economy of External Aid for Education in India, (Sep 2018): 413–442. B. G. Tilak The Kothari Commission and Financing of Education, (Sep 2018): 255–282. Mangla Elite strategies and incremental policy change: The expansion of primary education in India, Governance 47 (Jun 2017). BG Tilak Union-State Relations in India's Higher Education, SSRN Electronic Journal 23 (Jan 2017). Barakat Education Trends in India: Recent Census Results in Context, (Dec 2015): 177–193. Chaudhary, Manuj Garg Does history matter? Colonial education investments in India, The Economic History Review 68, no.33 (Nov 2014): 937–961. Venkatanarayanan Economic Liberalization in 1991 and Its Impact on Elementary Education in India, SAGE Open 5, no.22 (Jun 2015): 215824401557951. Chaudhary, Manuj Garg Does History Matter? Colonial Education Investments in India, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2013). Chaudhuri Out of Sight, Out of Mind? - Proximity, Attainment and Inequities in Secondary Education, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2012). K. Brown The influence of education on violent conflict and peace: Inequality, opportunity and the management of diversity, PROSPECTS 41, no.22 (May 2011): 191–204. B.G. Tilak Political economy of external aid for education in India, Journal of Asian Public Policy 1, no.11 (Feb 2008): 32–51. Zajda Introduction, International Review of Education/ Internationale Zeitschrift fr Erziehungswissenschaft/ Revue inter 50, no.33 (Jul 2004): 199–222. Klugman Decentralisation: A Survey of Literature from a Human Development Perspective, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 1994). Kai Ming Commonality among diversity, Prospects 21, no.11 (Feb 1991): 69–82.
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