Social media user engagement is a network effective in achieving a variety of goals linked to stakeholder networks (SN) and Word-of-Mouth Referral (WOMR). Achieving the results requires network effect theory (NET), which revolves around user engagement (UE) with an active participatory platform (APP) associated with knowledge management connected with stakeholder networks on a digital platform. Methodologically, the empirical quantitative structural equation model examined the interconnected hypotheses. In light of empirical measurements of five essential aspects of NET and stakeholder networks, the knowledge management moderation posits on the stakeholder relationships to better understand the return on social media as an integral part of public administration. The research then puts to test NET connecting various stakeholder networks and KM strategies. The study reveals that User Engagement (UE) is directly significant to SN but not WOMR, with numerous SM-APP signals and intersectional stakeholder networks significant in the study. KM moderation strengthened a positive relationship between UE and SN and partially mediated the relationship between UE and SN.
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