With the rapid development of Internet, various unstructured information, such as user-generated content, textual reviews, and implicit or explicit feedbacks have grown continuously. Though structured knowledge bases (KBs) which consist of a large number of triples exhibit great advantages in recommendation field recently. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to learn sentiment over network embedding for recommendation system based on the knowledge graph which we have been built, that is, we integrate the network embedding method with the sentiment of user reviews. Specifically, we use the typical network embedding method node2vec to embed the large-scale structured data into a low-dimensional vector space to capture the internal semantic information of users and attractions and apply the user weight scoring which is the combination of user review ratings and textual reviews to get similar attractions among users. Experimental results on real-world dataset verified the superior recommendation performance on precision, recall, and F-measure of our approach compared with state-of-the-art baselines.