ABSTRACT Introduction: Exercise can retard the effects of aging and improve the physical function of the elderly. Tai Chi is a widespread exercise practice among the elderly in China. Although studies show the positive effects of Tai Chi practice, there is no consensus about compared studies. Objective: Evaluate the impact of regular Tai Chi exercise on neuromuscular stability in the lower limbs of elderly people, comparing the results of practitioners between sedentary and walking elderly groups. Methods: Twenty-two Tai Chi practitioners were selected, with a mean age of 59.3±3.5 years and a mean practice time of 18.4±13.2 years. This experiment mainly tests the balance ability compared to individuals practicing walking and other sedentary individuals. Results: The muscle strength of the knee flexors and extensors in the Tai Chi group was significantly greater than in the sedentary group (p=0.001 to 0.00160°/sec; P=0.002 to 60°/sec extensors; p=0.002 to 120°/sec; 120°/sec flexors, p=0.003). Similarly, there was a significant difference in muscle strength between the Tai Chi group and the walking group (the P values of the flexors and extensors at both speeds were less than 0.001). Conclusion: Tai Chi, as a regular exercise, can increase muscle strength of the general knee flexors and extensors and improve the neuromuscular stability of lower limbs in the elderly. Evidence Level II; Therapeutic Studies - Investigating the result.