Pluto’s landscape is shaped by the endless condensation and sublimation cycles of the volatile ices covering its surface. In particular, the Sputnik Planitia ice sheet, which is thought to be the main reservoir of nitrogen ice, displays a large diversity of terrains, with bright and dark plains, small pits and troughs, topographic depressions and evidences of recent and past glacial flows. Outside Sputnik Planitia, New Horizons also revealed numerous nitrogen ice deposits, in the eastern side of Tombaugh Regio and at mid-northern latitudes.These observations suggest a complex history involving volatile and glacial processes occurring on different timescales. We present numerical simulations of volatile transport on Pluto performed with a model designed to simulate the nitrogen cycle over millions of years, taking into account the changes of obliquity, solar longitude of perihelion and eccentricity as experienced by Pluto. Using this model, we first explore how the volatile and glacial activity of nitrogen within Sputnik Planitia has been impacted by the diurnal, seasonal and astronomical cycles of Pluto. Results show that the obliquity dominates the N2 cycle and that over one obliquity cycle, the latitudes of Sputnik Planitia between 25°S-30°N are dominated by N2 condensation, while the northern regions between 30°N and -50°N are dominated by N2 sublimation. We find that a net amount of 1 km of ice has sublimed at the northern edge of Sputnik Planitia during the last 2 millions of years. It must have been compensated by a viscous flow of the thick ice sheet. By comparing these results with the observed geology of Sputnik Planitia, we can relate the formation of the small pits and the brightness of the ice at the center of Sputnik Planitia to the sublimation and condensation of ice occurring at the annual timescale, while the glacial flows at its eastern edge and the erosion of the water ice mountains all around the ice sheet are instead related to the astronomical timescale. We also perform simulations including a glacial flow scheme which shows that the Sputnik Planitia ice sheet is currently at its minimum extent at the northern and southern edges. We also explore the stability of N2 ice deposits outside the latitudes and longitudes of the Sputnik Planitia basin. Results show that N2 ice is not stable at the poles but rather in the equatorial regions, in particular in depressions, where thick deposits may persist over tens of millions of years, before being trapped in Sputnik Planitia. Finally, another key result is that the minimum and maximum surface pressures obtained over the simulated millions of years remain in the range of milli-Pascals and Pascals, respectively. This suggests that Pluto never encountered conditions allowing liquid nitrogen to flow directly on its surface. Instead, we suggest that the numerous geomorphological evidences of past liquid flow observed on Pluto’s surface are the result of liquid nitrogen that flowed at the base of thick ancient nitrogen glaciers, which have since disappeared.
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