Abstract▪2393▪This icon denotes a clinically relevant abstract Background:Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) represent a heterogeneous group of hematopoietic stem cell disorders and research in this field has mainly focused on hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC). Still, recent data from mouse models indicate that the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment might be involved in the pathogenesis MDS (Raaijmakers et al., 2010). The role of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) in particular as a key component of the BM microenvironment remains elusive in human MDS and data so far are controversial.Design/Methods: We therefore investigated MSC and immunomagnetically enriched CD34+ HSPC from BM of 42 untreated patients (pts) with MDS (12 RCMD, 12 RAEB, 12 sAML, 3 del5q, 1 CMML-1, 1 MDS hypocellular, 1 MDS unclassifiable according to WHO) and age-matched healthy controls (HC, n=13). MSC were examined with regard to growth kinetics, morphology and differential potential after isolation and expansion according standard procedures in line with the international consensus criteria (Dominici et al., 2006). Furthermore corresponding receptor-ligand pairs on MSC and CD34+ cells (Kitlg/c-kit; CXCL12/CXCR4; Jagged1/Notch1; Angpt1-1/Tie-2; ICAM1/LFA-1) were investigated by RT-PCR. Results:In MDS, the colony forming activity (CFU-F) of MSC was significantly reduced in comparison to HC (median number of colonies per 1×107MNC in MDS: 8, range 2–74 vs. HC: 175, 10–646, p=0.003) and this was also true when looking at the different subtypes (RCMD median: 16, p=0.04; RAEB median: 8, p=0.31; sAML median: 26, p=0.02). According to this, MSC from pts with RCMD and del5q could only be maintained in culture for a lower number of passages (median number of passages: MDS 3 passages, range 1–15; HD 14 passages, range 8–15, p=0.01), had a lower number of cumulative population doublings (CPD) and needed a longer timer to reach equivalent CPD (MDS median: 18,16 CPD, HD median: 33,68 CPD, p=0,0059). All types of MDS-MSC showed an abnormal morphology, while an impaired osteogenic differentiation potential was exclusively observed in pts with RCMD. These findings of an altered morphology together with a diminished growth and differentiation potential prompted us to test, whether the interaction between MSC and CD34+ HSPC in BM of pts with MDS was also disturbed. On the MDS-MSC, we found a significant lower expression of Angpt1 in pts with RAEB (3.5-fold, p=0.01) and del5q (4.9-fold, p=0.009) compared to HD. The expression of CXCL12 (2.5-fold, p=0.057) and jagged1 was reduced in trend in MSC from pts with MDS, while no differences were observed with regard to the expression of kitlg and ICAM1. When looking on CD34+ cells, we found a significantly reduced expression of CXCR4 (RCMD 2.5-fold, p=0.02; RAEB 2.46-fold, p=0.02), notch1 (RCMD 6-fold, p=0.04) and Tie-2 (RAEB 5.91-fold, p=0.02) in pts with MDS, while LFA-1 was overexpressed in pts with RAEB (2.6-fold, p=0.036). Conclusion:Taken together, our data indicate that MSC from pts with MDS are structurally altered and that the crosstalk between CD34+ HSPC and MSC in the BM microenvironment of pts with MDS might be deregulated as a result of an abnormal expression of relevant receptor-ligand pairs. Ongoing research is required to corroborate these findings and to definitely address their functional relevance for the pathogenesis of MDS. Disclosures:No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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